I created this project to as a tribute to the things I love and hopefully to inspire people. I am always amazed and inspired by the beauty of nature and every drawing, painting, or animation I create tries to convey those feelings of wonder I get while exploring our world. If you look closely you might notice stars that twinkle, ladybugs and berries within the flora, and lastly fireflies that flash about. I personally think these details make the piece extra special. I hope you enjoy!  
Full video with audio!
Here's a look behind the scenes with the power of Gifs!
Runner WIP - Hand drawn and hand painted frame by frame - the process started in Flash for the line work before moving to Photoshop and After Effects for the finishing details. Initially I created a different runner but he was a little too rough for my liking. 
Plant Build WIP - I created everything in Black & White first, then added color once each plant was brought into After Effects. This gave me total control allowing my to maximize each color of each plant. Starting in B&W also forced me to focus on details and contrast first, something I believe was beneficial. 
Some more behind the scenes images...
My initial rough sketch - originally I planned on possibly having the runner pass through different landscapes but ultimately I settled on just this scene. I may however explore in the future adding more scenes and turning this into something more. 
Full Background - Here you can hopefully truly enjoy the little details that make this piece. I've tried to make sure every detail has been given the same care no matter if that detail is nothing more than the berries on the plants or the clouds in the background. This shows the final background, but often times I spent multiple attempts finding the right look. Many elements were created and recreated over and over till they were just right. 
I particularly like the sky I created, I struggled getting the colors right but once I did, all the other colors fell nicely into place. 
Thank you all for watching!

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